The Aquaduct |
Boating on the C & O |
Of course I walk regularly with the dogs through the neighborhood behind my house in good weather to the City of Rockville's Maryvale Park. All asphalt, to be sure, but it still qualifies as exercise.
Park bench, Maryvale Park |
Exploring near Lake Frank |
I have been overwhelmed with all of the photos I have taken, however, and have been attempting to organize them somewhat. Last year I put together a video on my camino from Sarria to Santiago and have now another on the Via Podiensis. I had to install a goodly number of updates to Windows 7 a month ago, and, in the process lost the ability to use the Windows Movie Maker. I then installed VideoPad Video Editor and was somewhat disappointed with the results as I found it very difficult to use. Fortunately I remembered that Movie Maker was on my basement computer. None of these are as intuitive as I would like, though, and the instructions seem to leave out the steps where I need clarification. [to watch the videos, click on the highlighted links above.]
I have also been accessing my guidebooks for the Conques to Moissac segment I plan to walk. My Michelin Chemins de Compostelle covers the entire trail all the way to the Spanish border so that is good. My TopoGuide : Grande Randonnée Sentier vers Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle stops at Figeac, so that will need to be updated, and my Miam Miam Dodo is too out-of-date (2012) so that will need to be updated as well, as the edition I have doesn't include the variant GR651. Since the TopoGuide is now available in a e-book format, I may opt for that, and download it when I arrive in Paris. I understand it will have the variant Célé Valley route [GR651] that I want to take.
The TopoGuide I Need |
The Aubrac |
And again the Aubrac, particularly known for it's breed of cattle named after the region |